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Computer Stutters

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Hey Geeks to Go,

I've been having trouble with a stuttering computer. It stops anywhere between 0.5-3.0 seconds, when I'm playing games or when I'm watching videos. This stuttering only happens when things are actually on my hard drive. When I put videos or games on an external hard drive they tend to not stutter at all. I have noticed that when I open task manager and look at the CPU usage screen, it spikes to 100% usage, which most likely creates these stutters. I think this is true because whenever the CPU usage spikes, the stutters occur. I don't know if this is due to malware/spyware, but I've tried to stop different startup programs. The startup programs I would like to keep on running include Startup8, which gives the original windows startup menu for Windows 8, as well as Fences and Dropbox, since I find all of these very useful.

This problem has been happening since before I updated to Windows 8, when I had windows 7. I have not always had this problem, as the laptop worked like a charm out of the box. I thought updating to Windows8 would solve the problem, but it did not I don't know if I have to reinstall windows 8 or not.
Any help would be very very appreciated.

Thank you so much,

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