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Just today my surface pro crashed 3 times from the same error. No idea what it is and decided to post after not finding the right solution on google. Any help is appreciated (:

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Hi Kraize,

In all dumps they show that the faulting module is tcpip.sys and the process is WmiPrvSE.exe.

Have you recently installed any Windows updates?
Is your surface pro crashing after you do anything specific like opening Internet Explorer or just at random?
Which Anti-Virus do you use?

If you have recently installed updates, could you check which ones?
From the start menu, type control panel and open the control panel. Then click System and Security, then Windows Update, then View Recently Installed Updates.
Please post a list of updates that were installed shortly before the issue started happening.

Could you also check for updates and let me know which updates are available to install?

Could you also run System File Checker?
From the start menu, type cmd, right-click on CMD and select run as administrator. Then in the command prompt type SFC /SCANNON and press enter.
Please post the message that is shown when the scan completes.

I have a few more suggestions but if you could do these steps first and we'll move on from there.

Thank you, Masher.
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