I figured it might have just been a weird software problem or something, so I went to uninstall it so I could reinstall it again, but then this came up: avast! setup fatal error
Error reading product data from "C:\Program Files\ AVAST software\Avast\setup\part-setup_abp-ffffffff.vpx". Setup cannot continue.
When I click on the Avast icon itself, it says my system is unsecured and then it has a button that says start. I click it and it asks if I want to allow Avast! to make changes to my hard drive. I clicked yes and nothing happened. Everything was still disabled and nothing came up. There was also a "Resolve All" button right below that that I also tried; the same thing happened as with the "start" button.
Nothing else really seems wrong with my computer, but this still worries me. After this I enabled McAffee just in case, but I would prefer not to use that. Any advice?