Here is the current script:
@Echo Off
Echo Created by Your Truly
set /p Name=Enter Domain Username here:
Echo %Name%
Echo Employee ID
dsquery user -samid "%name%" | dsget user -empid | find /V "empid" | find /V "dsget"
if errorlevel 1 cls
if errorlevel 1 Echo USERNAME NOT FOUND - Please try again
if errorlevel 1 pause
if errorlevel 1 goto start
net user %name% /domain | find /i "Full Name"
net user %name% /domain | find /i "Comment"
net user %name% /domain | find /i "Account Active"
net user %name% /domain | find /i "password last set"
net user %name% /domain | find /i "password expires"
net user %name% /domain | find /i "password changeable"
net user %name% /domain | find /i "password required"
net user %name% /domain | find /i "User may change password"
net user %name% /domain | find /i "Last Logon"
type "\\server\share\%name%.txt" | find /i "computername"
type "\\server\share\%name%.txt" | find /i "Address"
FOR /F "TOKENS=2* DELIMS=:" %%A IN ('FIND /i "Computername" "\\server\share\%name%.txt"') DO FOR %%B IN (%%A) DO SET COMPNAME=%%B
SET /P YNvar=Connect using Dameware? Y or N?
Echo %YNVar%
if "%YNVar%"=="Y" goto Yes
if "%YNVar%"=="y" goto Yes
if "%YNVar%"=="Yes" goto Yes
if "%YNVar%"=="yes" goto Yes
Goto Start
IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" (start /d "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\DameWare Development\DameWare Mini Remote Control 7.5" dwrcc.exe -c: -h: -m:%COMPNAME% -u:myUsername -p:myPassword -d:clovisusd) ELSE (start /d "%ProgramFiles%\DameWare Development\DameWare Mini Remote Control 7.5" dwrcc.exe -c: -h: -m:%COMPNAME% -u:myUsername -p:myPassword -d:clovisusd)
Goto Start
This script works fine, but what I want it to do is reference the out put of::: "net user %name% /domain | find /i "password expires" ::: and (at the bottom) Echo "Expired" or "Not Expired" based on the current date.
Any help with this would be amazing.
Thank you again.
Also, if you have a better solution with .vbs let me know.
Edited by brycecoonce, 24 June 2013 - 08:32 AM.