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Best solutions for my network needs

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I am looking to modernize my small business’s IT solutions

My requirements are:
Hosting MS office files, Photos, etc
Hosting the data file for 2 shared programs (QuickBooks and Hindsight) I need to restrict the access to QuickBooks to only the three authorized users.
The above need both onsite and offsite access however, the permissions for these files will vary by user.
I will need a terabyte (or more if surveillance is being added) of storage

I currently have:
1 Dell XPS (acting as my server with a static IP)
4 Dell Optiplex desktop computers
2 Dell Optiplex laptops
2 Dell Inspiron laptops

I am looking at deploying:
A video and audio surveillance system (possibly wireless) consisting of up to 16 cameras
Up to 10 tablets that will need offsite access to hindsight (only hindsight's data files)
A paperless office environment
VoIP Phone System

We are a growing company and would like a solution that will grow with our company.
Any advice you are willing to give would be appreciated. Everyone I have reached out to so far seems to only want to push their products and it does not “feel” like genuine advice for what is best for me from all available solutions.

Edited by Teana, 09 July 2013 - 04:53 PM.

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