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Cable TV Going Digital

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  • PipPipPip
  • 568 posts
My cable TV company is putting more and more channels in digital format. They sent a bulletin saying that in order to view these channels, I have to get a QAM converter for $50 set-up fee and then pay and extra $5.99 a month rental fee (I'm paying almost $200 a month now and can only get about half the channels I did a year ago). At first this was not an issue since the ones they switched were not channels I watched very much, but now it's starting to affect my viewing. I've heard some TVs have a built-in QAM converter. I looked in the local Wal-Mart and asked for a TV with one and the clerk just started at me like I had broccoli shoved up my nostrils. How can I tell if box-box store TVs are QAM compatible? I also have a space issue, so I can't get a TV over 22". Do only big TVs have QAM capabilities?
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  • PipPipPip
  • 546 posts
From a little Googling I have did, I came to the conclusion that there are no direct methods to know whether a TV comes with a QAM tuner. But what you could do is refer to the owner's manual. A good place to start is in the Specifications section. Look for QAM tuner capabilities in the area with antennas and tuners. And I also read that most HD or Digital TVs after 2006 has an internal QAM Tuner. And if you still could not find it, click here to view a list of TV vendors and their website links where you can check whether their TVs have QAM Tuner in it.
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  • PipPipPip
  • 184 posts
I'm pretty sure that new TVs are hi-def and digital ready. Find out how many channels they are capable of, that should help.
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