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I cannot boot from my SSD?

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I just bought windows 8 and a new SSD today, I installed windows 8 on my old hd then did a data migration to my new SSD. Once I rebooted it said there was an issue with the boot file and that I should insert my bootable disc and restart. Once my windows 8 disc was in I restarted and the same thing happened... Now with my old drive as the first priority in my bios my computer runs but not off of my SSD as I wish it would.
First of all I'd like to understand why I can't simply install windows 8 onto my SSD without having to go through with the migration process (just a clean install) and how come there are no boot files on my SSD?
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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello Joly1990

Now with my old drive as the first priority in my bios my computer runs but not off of my SSD as I wish it would.

Your SSD would need to be the priority boot device and also have a fully functional version of Windows 8 installed on it.

Can I ask why you did not do a clean install of W8 straight to the new SSD.

What version of Windows 8 do you have and from where was the disk obtained please.

Can I ask that you update your previous topic that I replied to but you never responded toMy freaking computer caught fire

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I would like to do a clean install onto the SSD but it wouldn`t seem to work so i figure it would be just as easy to clone the data... I have the home edition of w8 and I bought it at computer canada.(local computer store chain) To do a clean install do I just have to only have my sdd, throw in my cd and install it or is there more to it that im missing?
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    Mechanised Mod

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Couple of tutorials for you Joly1990


If you have UEFI BIOS http://www.eightforu...indows-8-a.html
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