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Jdownloader Safe or not?

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Hope this is the right section.

Jdownlaoder is by far the best download manager that I know of. If there is a youtube video that I like, I copy the url (ctrl c) and jdownloader grabs that link, and reveals the flash or mp4 format that you can download.

Here is the problem... Spyware blaster tends to scan and locate Jdownloader files it wants to remove thus causing jdownloader to not work.

I want to know if its actually a false positive (which I think it is).

WARNING! Before downloading, be sure to un-check access extra stuff they want you to download if you want to test it. They do a good job fooling you into donwloading other stuff (click advance, etc during install).

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I think it's a false positive. I downloaded the program and submitted the installer to VirusTotal and all but some anti-virus I never heard of cleared it. https://www.virustot...sis/1376508447/

There were some comments that it had a potentially unwanted program which may be the adware you warned about. Look at the bottom of the Additional Information page.

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Thanks for letting me know.
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