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digital copy dvd

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recently wanted to add "The Dark Knight Rises" to my flickster account for the ultraviolet copy. Easily done. Tried adding "The Dark Knight" via my digital copy that came with the blu-ray and it's a no go. Doing something wrong or is it even possible?
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    OT Moderator

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this might be better served in the Digital Video and Audio, so I am going to move it. :thumbsup:
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Perhaps it's expired?

Another thought, I know for my HBO series if I wanted to redeem my UV code, I had to go to hboselect.com/[TITLE] and put in the code there, whereupon I would be redirected to flixster with the UV code already entered in for me. It would not work if I tried to enter the UV code via flixster directly. Do the instructions specify anything like that? (I don't have DKR so I can't check myself.)
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