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Stopping services if they are started

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Computer Dr

Computer Dr

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I'm Creating a batch file that stops services and starts them back.
Currently it blindly stop a list of services and Can blindly start them back.

I'm looking for the ability to stop the service ONLY if it is running
I got this peice of code from another thread, but it won't start themes back

sc query Themes| findstr /i running | if "%errorlevel%"=="0" (sc stop Themes) else (sc start Themes)
I'm not sure what I am missing. (not a programmer for one)
I don't think the errorlevel should be used in this instance.
Can someone lead me in the right direction? Any help is greatly appreciated.
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    Trusted Helper

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You need to split the commands, like this:
@echo off
sc query Themes| findstr /i running >nul
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" (sc stop Themes) else (sc start Themes)

The script will check if themes service is running and if it's true it will only stop the service, not sure if this is what you want.
If not running will be started.

Edited by SleepyDude, 04 September 2013 - 09:42 AM.

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Computer Dr

Computer Dr

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I can do this two ways. have a single line for each service to check if it is on then turn it off and Vise versa

select 1 Stop services
select 2 Start services

If serivce is (%running%) then %startstop%

I don't want to stop a service that is not running, I get a message and it slows the file down.

Or similar with a few lines that get the services from a list of services. (not desired) I like putting breaks in the batch so I can tell which service is giving me issues.

Which do you think is better how can I do this. I guess I can have two lines for each service, but I was hoping for a simler way using the service code and not the errorcode
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    Trusted Helper

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You can do something like this:
@echo off

set SERVICES=themes power spooler
for %%S in (%SERVICES%) do (
   sc query %%S| findstr /i running >nul
   if "!errorlevel!"=="0" (sc stop %%S) else (sc start %%S)

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Computer Dr

Computer Dr

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This is what I have so far. Sorry for the elementry coding, but it works great. I just need a text file with the services to
toggle on and off. I know there is a better way to do this though in less lines. I am using the state instead of errorlevel.

@echo off

color 0A
Echo select 1 for Stop Services
echo select 2 for Start Services

echo select q to quit
set /p userinp=Choose a number(1-6):
::can only go to 9

set userinp=%userinp:~0,1%

if "%userinp%"=="1" goto service
if "%userinp%"=="2" goto service

if /I "%userinp:~0,1%"=="q" goto exit
IF "%userinp%"=="" (ECHO Nothing is entered
GoTo :start)

=================Start of Code=============
for /f "tokens=3" %%a in ('sc query "Themes"^|find "STATE"') do (if %%a==4 (goto running) else goto stopped)

if "%userinp%"=="2" (
net start /y "Themes"
goto end


if "%userinp%"=="1" (
net stop /y "Themes"
goto end

goto start
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    Trusted Helper

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I that case use another for to process the text file and inside the for you already have.
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