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How Do You Connect More Than One Turtle Beach XP400 to the Elgato Game

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For anyone not familiar with the Elgato Game Capture, it's a gameplay recording device that works by means of the game's audio and video traveling from the console (an Xbox 360, in my case) by wire through the Elgato device through a PC and finally into your television... And it will only let you use one microphone (Bluetooth or otherwise) to record commentary in with the gameplay!

My knowledge of how the Turtle Beach XP400 headsets work is quite limited as I've yet to buy one. In fact, that's why I'm posting here first, to make sure I can make it do what I want! It's wireless, except it has a transmitter that requires at least one wire for power. So as not to accidentally explain something wrong, I'd rather just let you guys look at it yourselves than try to say how it works (aka something I don't know).

http://www.amazon.co...tle beach xp400

Simply put, here's what I want to do:
I want my friend and I to have separate headsets but to be able to record our voices in with the gameplay.
I want to be able to hear him through my headset and vice versa.

Though I'd obviously prefer an entirely wireless setup, I can buy any additional cables this might require.
I'm not entirely committed to buying this exact headset, but I need a good quality headset and would prefer it to be wireless (at least when I'm not recording commentary with another person). Oh, and I'd prefer to not buy any headsets that are more expensive than these.

Any help you guys can give me will be much appreciated!
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