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Swagbucks problem

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Vintage Charms

Vintage Charms


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OK. Am I supposed to uninstall SuperAntispyware. And do you know why I can't save anything to C:/ drive anymore. Just wondering. Thank you again. I donated to Geeks night before last so I will have to wait on the Salinas people. My boyfriend used to live in Belfair Washington so he knew about them. Thanks, Carole.
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    Malware Expert

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You can uninstall SuperAntiSpyware if you like. I am not a big fan of the program.

With Vista/Win 7 you can not save to the C:\ unless you are running from an elevated Command Prompt or using a program that was started by right clicking and Run As Admin. You should always be able to save to your desktop and to any folder under C:\Users\Hewlett\ or whatever your login name is. If you can't then try Windows Repair all in one


Download it and save it then run it by right clicking and Run As Admin.

You can skip to step 4 or 5 where it gives you the same picture as in the above link.

Make sure these are checked before hitting Start:

Reset Registry Permissions
Reset File Permissions

Don't worry about donating.
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Vintage Charms

Vintage Charms


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I just got on my computer and started up my Outlook and IE etc. First thing that happened is my outlook was acting wobbly, windows were opening out of nowhere and things I don't what. Then I looked at my internet and the taskbars disappeared. all of the bottom and start button and the top is different but no big deal, I guess. I rebooted trying to get things back to where they were - it was like it was on F11 but it wasn't. I thought it was my keyboard, then my mouse and changed the batteries. But then the homepage is Swagbucks. I had this problem a few days ago and everything has been fine until this minute. Thanks again for all of your past help. I don't know where this is coming from. I think I did about everything that was suggeste...Java, etc.
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Vintage Charms

Vintage Charms


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Followed the instructions for this gentleman's computer. It was the Adwcleaner, JRT and I ran malwarebytes. It is gone for none. I run the cleaner every week, unless something else happens. Thank you.
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