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Water damaged Samsung Galaxy Nexus

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I am a long time lurker. Recently my Nexus was drenched in a pool of water for a good amount of time. It worked for awhile and then it just shut off. I was wondering if anyone can offer any advice on how to repair it.

Additional info:
I tried to take out the battery out and then put it back in. Then I proceeded to plug the charger on it. The screen actually shows up charging for 3 blinks and then shuts off again.

Alternatively, if someone can offer any light on how to retrieve some of the data on the phone, that'd be much appreciated as well.

Thank you very much in advance,

- Cubicles
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Hi cubicles. Do not try and turn on the device at this point. You might want to try out the rice method as it has proved to be very effective for lots of people(including me) in the past. If there is any moisture left on the device, shake it off and put the devuce into a sealed bag of plain dry rice. The rice should absorb most of the moisture from your device. Leave it there for couple of days with the battery placed in a seperate one. After that, attempt to start the device.
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