So a while back I updated my Sony Vaio VPCSB3C5E laptop from Windows 7 to 8. No problem here. Then for university work I was required to install Ubuntu to which the performance started decreasing slightly. I then took the decision to upgrade to 8.1 and this is when the main issues began. Whenever I ran Ubuntu or Windows the computer would run incredibly hot within 5 minutes and by 15 minutes, the metal surfaces where virtually untouchable. But when running Windows the CPU would run worryingly high and was unresponsive most of the time. It came to a close when I switched it on and immediately the CPU was running at 99% and after a couple of minutes of it sitting on the home screen completely unresponsive, it switched off. Upon restarting, a blue screen popped up saying Error 0xc00000e9.
The way Google said to resolve this problem was start it up in safe mode but the same message would pop up every time. I tried inserting the installation disk but it would get to the setup screen and wouldn't progress any further. Throughout this whole progress Ubuntu has continued to work, these problems only occur when I boot Windows.
The next thing I attempted was to have Windows 7 on a bootable USB, but this, also, wouldn't progress any further than the setup screen.
I managed to find the Windows Recovery Environment but that would not progress from the message "Please wait while VAIO Care Rescue is starting..." (I left this to run over night).
So at present I am at a complete loss as to what to do and any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance