Being a security enthusiast, I get a kick out of how much the term "cyber" gets abused "cyber-terrorism", "cyber-warfare", "cyber-bullying", etc. One that really made me lose it was a tweet from @KatieShow (the Twitter account for Katie Couric's Daytime talk show). A recent episode delt with how Miss Teen USA's webcam was hacked, etc. In response to that episode came this tweet:
Is your computer at risk to be cyber-hacked? Here are 5 tips from today's show to help you protect yourself:
"Cyber-hacked" seems a rediculous, nearly redundant use of "cyber" to me.
So, 3 questions:
- How do you define cyber?
- Have you seen it used in a ridiculous context? What was it?
- What other buzzword(s) are you sick of hearing used/abused? Examples?