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About web camera

Web camera Help me Malware

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Okay first of all hey everybody! My English is not the best since speaking English as my mother tongue but please try to cope with that fact :)


Two and half years ago I had a pretty bad thing in my life but I am not here to tell a lifestory so I will save you from it. I went to a porn site and at some point maybe it was not even on the same day my F-secure went off. Well usually I would have made a huge number out of it but not time unfortunately. Then one day when I tried to take a picture of myself my web cam said it is already in use and was not able to start the camera. There was no light flashing or anything. No one was not playing any games with me (refering to Rat) My computer was Samsung and it had the cyber link camera software built in camera. So my question is: Do you think someone has been watching me? Or is there a change that it just got stuck the camera? I would really appreciate your answer! And lets hope its good news for me.


Thanks a lot!!!

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