im slightly noobish when it comes to networking so please be patient
ok so i currently live in a 3 story house and i had a problem with getting internet to the top floor, so my current set up is:
a 2.4ghz g modem router (isp's own netgear about 6 years old) downstairs feeding a pc and then connected to a power line sender which then connects to another 2.4ghz modem router (isp own hawaii router) on the top floor acting as a switch with 2 pc's using Ethernet and wireless access point.
I have purchased an Nvidia shield and it requires 5ghz, so im looking to get a new router, I have seen a good deal at my local argos
this will be installed up stairs as a switch to replace the current 2.4ghz router
the question is,
will this make any difference to my Ethernet speeds and bandwidth and will the wireless work as effective as it would if it was just plugged straight into the phone line as its being routed through the 2.4ghz router downstairs in not sure if this will bottleneck its possible top performance???
I would like to start streaming games which is why i would like to know about the Ethernet speeds, will this make a difference or do both routers need replacing to get the most out of my ethernet and wireless speeds???
any help will be much appreciated