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Wireless Connection Problems/Adapter Issues

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If it's not a laptop is there a separate card in the thing for the wireless?  can you  shut the PC down  & remove the card?



Does the separate card for the Wireless have like an antenna? :headscratch:  I ask cause I kind of remember seeing something like that before online in the past. To the best of what I know, I don't believe my computer has a separate card for Wireless, and much less I don't know what it looks like (forgive me for not knowing). In the past the only way I would get wireless internet connection was by plugging in my USB Adapter. However, if you like for me to still check and see if I have the card, I will check for you. Perhaps you could and if you can show me how the card for the wireless looks like, and to help me have a better understanding of what I'm looking for.





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It might even have two antenna or perhaps just little gold connectors where the antenna screw on.  Apparently the Vista drivers worked with this card at one point but native win 7 didn't.

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It might even have two antenna or perhaps just little gold connectors where the antenna screw on.  Apparently the Vista drivers worked with this card at one point but native win 7 didn't.



I have taken a picture of the back of my computer so that you can see how it looks. The little gold connectors, look like these on the picture your talking about. Are they it? And if so, do they just snap off? Also if that's what I'm suppose to remove, am I suppose to leave it out or plug back in?




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The card with the two connectors is your wireless.  It probably doesn't work because the antennae are missing.  I can't tell from your picture how they fit on.  Some do just snap on.  Other screw on and some use a twist and lock mechanism,  To remove the card, shut down the PC.  Open it up and unscrew/remove the card.  I wouldn't worry about blocking the hole tho you can use some duct tape if you want to.  Doesn't have to be permanently removed.  We just want to try it without it to make sure it is not messing us up.

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The card with the two connectors is your wireless.  It probably doesn't work because the antennae are missing.  I can't tell from your picture how they fit on.  Some do just snap on.  Other screw on and some use a twist and lock mechanism,  To remove the card, shut down the PC.  Open it up and unscrew/remove the card.  I wouldn't worry about blocking the hole tho you can use some duct tape if you want to.  Doesn't have to be permanently removed.  We just want to try it without it to make sure it is not messing us up.



Sorry for being out for a long time. I have removed my wireless card to see how things with the wireless adapter would work. After I have removed the card things did not change. I still did not have a wireless connection. Also before I had taken out the wireless card I did check for the antennas for the wireless card. After I had located them and attached them, things did not change. I'm thinking that it could be possible that the wireless card has gone bad, because there is a green light indicator to show if it's on. Since the green light did not turn on, I'm being lead to believe that the wireless card has maybe gone bad. Lastly I removed and plugged back in the wireless card to see what would happen. Of course, nothing happened. So with that being said I left the card in the computer.


Your thoughts are welcomed and would like to hear what you may have to say in the matter.





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The light might be off because we disabled the wireless in Device Manager.


We are flying out in about an hour.  Will be on a boat for 10 days so it would be best to start a new post in the wireless forum.

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