Site is www "dot" thedailypunt "dot" com
At the top of the page is dpradio, it brings up a popup, and should play any of the radio stations that are available to select. I have win media, and win media classic, I have itunes and quickplayer. All my media is defaulted to win media, but this radio just won't play, but if I goto radio tuner through winplayer, it will play radio stations. Is it possible that it has soething to do with my itunes, or quickplayer?? I know the dpradio works, cos when I use it at work, it does actually play, on the right hand side of the popup box should appear the win player, but at home it doesn't show anything.
Any hepl would be very much appreciatted, it is really bugging me now, and I just want to know why it won't play.
Thanks woody