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Please can someone help me?

Had problems setting up my

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I did a stupid thing, I used Lenovo  re-start from the beginning button....took me back to the dark ages, and since I never backed up anything, did't think I had anything worth backing up...what I got was a mess...I had re-downloaded my iTune music....but all of a sudden a magic something came across my screen and gobbled  all my music downloads away...and itune keeps telling me the music is in my pc....but where?


Something about Explorer and MSN?


The pc is working okay but I do not do much except  e-mail, my solitaire games, stuff like that.


If someone could help me find and get my music files back, I'd be most thankful.


Thank you


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First off we need more info on model of this system,PC or Laptop ?


Mean Lenovo Re-start ,like restart on the start menu ?


Did this re-start do a system recovery, back to factory settings like when you bought the computer ?


Explorer, like Windows Explorer or IE Internet Explorer ?


Not too familiar with Itunes.

What came across the screen exactly that you said took your files away ?


Always important to back up your files like documents,music and pictures,etc...... Get yourself either a USB Flash Drive,Blank CD, DVD or a external Hard Drive to keep back-ups of your files


If you downloaded these files again, they should go into your download folder, even though they show up in your browsers downloads.

Download folder should be in yopur main PC Window ( My (your name) Computer.

Edited by jds63, 23 May 2014 - 09:00 PM.

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Duplicate thread: http://www.geekstogo...omeone-help-me/


Already being helped by Rockmilk there.



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