What does it mean?
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They simply indicate where you should: list your items, insert the name of the flagged item(s), and type in the subject here, respectively.
they are used for a number of applications
Mathmatically they mean
< less than
> greater than
<> not equal to (excel)
They are also used for web pages code - HTML as tags
and so in word you may have seen the HTML - webpage code
They can also be used for a mail merge , where the information is taken from a database and the <> are used as fields
and so where the word document has <subject> this will be filled from a database and so can be changed for each letter
hope that helps!
The question is: Where have you seen these symbols. It really depends on the context.
The answer of SpywareDr sounds like the most likely one, so far. But don't let us guess.
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