So, I made this recently and would love to know what you guys think about them on what can be improved or what you like about it.. It is basically a web design.
Edited by bnguyen100, 17 June 2014 - 06:47 PM.
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So, I made this recently and would love to know what you guys think about them on what can be improved or what you like about it.. It is basically a web design.
Edited by bnguyen100, 17 June 2014 - 06:47 PM.
The green in the preview section in my opinion is too bright, and almost feels out of place. The green is a nice touch for the icons/text etc, but as a background colour I dont feel it works too well.
If the image above is all meant to be just one page, I'd probably remove the green, and try possibly a slightly darker shade of grey from the section above, so as to not blend in with the dashboard grey. There's too many colours on the page. But apart from that I like it very much. A working website would be great to see.
guys, I have a question , what do u think about grass background for me site?
or is it too typical?
Can't find out your image here. So no comments.
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