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Virtual Memory problem

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Hi Joe,

It may be worth a try to take it back to the shop that I obtained the new harddrive
from..but it only had a short guarantee being 2nd hand.

if I can obtain a disc, would you think that may offer some hope ?

If so what would you suggest that I try?

not sure even if I got into safemode what I could do..maybe select a restore point.

but if I neee to run a AV checker updated...I dont think that I can get online in safemode..

esp if it maybe a new virus ! That if im lucky and a solutiin is available...id need to update my AV
by being online..
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Hello dowsp,

This is not my area of expertise.

If you got into safemode, yes a system restore would be a start, there's also safemode with networking that would let you connect to the internet. With a disk you could try a repair install or a fresh install, then that leaves you without being able to install windows up dates. I don't think it's malware / virus related. I think it's hardware or system file issues and old age too..

The old disk had a recovery partition as far as I know, that's gone now with the new drive installed.

I really think the shop is the answer, and they may tell you it's not worth putting to much time and effort into it, because at the end of the day you still have an old unsupported operating system.
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Thanks for your thouggts and comments on the situation Joe...

I will try the shop or look for the disc..and try what you indicated..

Its good to have your opinion on it..

I will let you know what happens if I can..

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Hi Joe,


I managed to find the windows XP boot disc..


By pressing F12... I could select the CD drive..


After a bit of analysing and experimenting...


I found two options..one to retart or reinstall from the disc.


Another to try and restore or repair..


Initially I tried to repair/restore...but it asked me to select something with windows...


but it did not make any options...so I was not sure what to enter..and when I tried to enter 


some info... it would only allow me one letter...unless it wanted drive...such as "C"..


So I restarted and selected to restart from windows xp disc..


After several mins..checking and saving some files ..and installing..

It then started to initiate....but it seemed to stop doing anything after an hour..

so I stopped the process and restarted my computer...


It loaded and restarted !... and I am now able to get back online..

but the desktop looks larger icons than normal... and I can only

get online with google chrome, not IE...


I wonder if I can now somehow reslect a retore point just before It crashed..

I have access to the history.. so I may be able to work out when..


I wonder if you have any further suggestions.. 


Ive got to hope that it restarts again when I try again.. as sometimes...

in the past Ive seen a computer recover but only for one or two times..

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Even though it has been suggested that  my computer seemed free of

viruses and malware etc.. and that the virtual memory problem I have MAY

be resolved with adding  more Ram...as I had a new drive added that was 

twice as big as the orgional for my machine...(Is this likely to always suggest if you

increase the capacity size of the Hardrive that  you need to increase RAM) if so that

may explain it.


BUT before my 40 gig prior drive failed ( to now be replaced ith 80 gig)... my machine

seems to be how it was before...overall slow ...and freezing up..


Its now even bad with just a few webpages open at times...I keep getting google chrome 

crashing and the egg timer showing up while awaiting....


I just did another Eset AV check and it shown no viruses or malware.


As I mentioned in prior post that I dont think you seen... I have managed to find my windows CD

and get my machine working again after a major issue that I had ..where I did not think I could 

recover it..


BUt upon loading it... I dont think I finished the process completely as it seemed to stall..


and now my computers come back on but its not how it was before after trying a restore point.


My screen is wrong size and I cannot alter it back..


I wonder if I need to re try the CD again.. and if you may be able to advise any further..


To my dismay the computer shop where I got my H drive from has gone out of business... 


thank you


Edited by dowsp, 05 September 2014 - 11:27 PM.

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