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Slow Computer, and "Smarter Shopper" Adware

Slow Smarter Shopper

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I know it's been a few days. Sorry about that. I'm still with you and will get this done as soon as I can.

Edited by Spencer4134, 18 August 2014 - 01:52 PM.

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    GeekU Instructor

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No problem.


Look forward to hearing from you when you find time. :)

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I try to run the scan with IE, but it just takes TOO LONG. And I just don't have the time for it. Is there something else we can do?

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but it just takes TOO LONG


Yes it can take a long time. Just out of interest how long are we talking about?



Is there something else we can do?


Well it is up to you really. ESET is a very good one to use and I guess you want to use the best you can for your computer.


How is your machine?

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It keeps getting slower. After an hour it's at like 33%. After two hours 46% etc. But I'll see what I can do.

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    GeekU Instructor

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It is a very thorough scan and it can take a very long time. :)

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