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HDMI Signal Corruption

HDMI signal gpu graphic card

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Hello everyone,


I've been troubling with an issue over a week by now, 


Let me explain it simply:



I have a strongly equipped PC and 4 LED televisions (2xSamsung and 2xLG)


2xSamsung Televisions are about 30 meters away from the PC case.


2xLG Televisions are about 15 meters away from Samsung TVs.





I 've used 30 meters HDMI cable and plugged in to a 4xHDMI Multipilier located nearby 2x Samsung TVs. Then I connected 2xSamsung TV's directly (with a 1,5 meter HDMI cable) and connected 2xLG Tvs with 15 meters HDMI cables.


The issue is; I was having very bad image quality. There are lots of red dots and lines on the televisions even in 24 or 23 Hertz. (above hertz I don't get any signal on the TVs) 
And it is not only that, sometimes the TVs lose the signal completely then comes back after a few seconds.





I've used an HDMI extender (60 meters extender with 2 FTP CAT6 cables) instead of 30 meters HDMI cable. I then connected the HDMI extender output to he same HDMI Multipiler. The result is almost the same.





Just to test purpose, I've used a HD Satellite Reciever as HDMI output device instead of the PC. (I've replaced PC with a standard HD Satellite receiver) Surprisingly, all 4 televisions are perfectly okay.



What does it mean ? My PC is made up from high-cost equips (total cost is over $3,500)


Howcome a simple satellite reciever's HDMI output can be stronger than a PC graphic card that costs more than $200 itself ?








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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:   TheDaywalker


An insufficient/underpowered graphics solution is a strong possibility as the cause.


Please provide information about your computer, this includes is it a custom build or brand name such as Dell or HP, if it is a brand name provide the model name or series number (not serial) if a custom build post the brand and model name or number for the MB, amount and spec of Ram, add on video card and the PSU (power supply unit) providing these details will enable us to better assist you.
NB: In order to receive notification of any reply to your topic please click on the Follow this topic tab at the upper right corner of the page. 

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