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White Screen of Death

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I've had an issue that started up this week and the problem comes and goes. The first time it happened was while watching youtube videos and clicked to watch another video and my laptop screen turned white and I couldn't do anything. The second time it happened, I was doing the same thing, but this time my screen was vertical lines, black and white. My computer starts up fine, but I'm guessing it maybe a problem with my graphics card?



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Hi and welcome to GHG.

Normally a sign the Graphics card is overheating or failing.

Please download free 'Speccy" and monitor your temps first as you watch the video.

Please post the temps you are getting with the Graphics card.



Edited by DSTM, 17 August 2014 - 11:29 AM.

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Hi and welcome to GHG.

Normally a sign the Graphics card is overheating or failing.

Please download free 'Speccy" and monitor your temps first as you watch the video.

Please post the temps you are getting with the Graphics card.



I'm getting about 67 to 75 Celsius 

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Plastic Nev

Plastic Nev


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Hi, is those temperatures common to the rest of the computer, CPU for instance as well as the graphics?


Also as you haven't said is this a desktop or laptop computer?


The temperature you mention is a little high for normal use if it is the graphics card and suggests that the computer could benefit from a good internal clean, dust and fluff slows down air flow preventing proper cooling.


If a desktop, cleaning yourself is not too difficult, first turn off all power to the coputer after a normal shutdown, then remove the side panel, look for dust and fluff on all the metalic fins of heat sinks, including those on your graphics card.


Touch the case with your hand to prevent static damage, then using a can of compressed air in short bursts and a none nylon small paint brush, dislodge and blow out any dust or fluff. Do not use the can of air in prolonged bursts as liquid may be expelled with it.



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Hi, is those temperatures common to the rest of the computer, CPU for instance as well as the graphics?


Also as you haven't said is this a desktop or laptop computer?


The temperature you mention is a little high for normal use if it is the graphics card and suggests that the computer could benefit from a good internal clean, dust and fluff slows down air flow preventing proper cooling.


If a desktop, cleaning yourself is not too difficult, first turn off all power to the coputer after a normal shutdown, then remove the side panel, look for dust and fluff on all the metalic fins of heat sinks, including those on your graphics card.


Touch the case with your hand to prevent static damage, then using a can of compressed air in short bursts and a none nylon small paint brush, dislodge and blow out any dust or fluff. Do not use the can of air in prolonged bursts as liquid may be expelled with it.



It's a laptop and the motherboard and video graphics temperatures are similar. I'm guessing I need to clean it out. 

Edited by blkgiraffe, 19 August 2014 - 12:10 PM.

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