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Missing HTTP Service

WMSVR HTTP Windows Server 2012 credssp.dll pwdssp.dll

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Upon failing the prerequisite check for upgrading Exchange 2013 CU1 to CU6 I found the Web Management Service failed to start. It fails because of the dependent HTTP service is non-existent. While researching the missing HTTP service I ran across forums discussing FRST so I decided to give it a try. The results were alarming to this novice interpreter. Attached are the FRST.txt and Addition.txt files. Can someone assist me in deciphering these, please?



Attached Files

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    Trusted Helper

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Our malware removal tools and service are geared towards client operating systems (i.e. Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, etc.). Since you are using a server OS and having an issue with Enterprise software I would suggest that you post in our Other Operating system forum or better yet try other more appropriate forums such as Microsoft's Exchange forum.


Thank you.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: WMSVR, HTTP, Windows Server 2012, credssp.dll, pwdssp.dll

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