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Moving files from one HDD to another

dragging files moving files making space on the ssd

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I have a new PC.  OS, Win 8.1 with Classic Shell plus a few other tweaks. 


I just wanna move some files from my SSD to a conventional spinning drive.  Shouldn't I be able to just drag the files from the SSD, (C drive), into a folder I created on the D drive?  I did that but when I looked in "THIS PC," the D drive appears empty!  


Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? 


I didn't delete anything yet... and I didn't use CUT and PASTE. 


Is this operation more complicated than I thought it was?  The files are very important!  I wouldn't want to lose anything.


Thank you in advance for any help.  :)

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Hi Googleplex,


The traditional way of cut and paste should work fine.


What type of files are you trying to move ? Just Documents,music,movies and pictures you are wanting to do this for ?


Was this D drive setup first in Disk management ? Is this a External drive or internal ?

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I'm moving some image files created in Adobe Illustrator... and some simple text files created in WordPad... from an internal SSD to an internal spinning conventional HDD.  The company I bought the system from, set up everything so I don't have to prepare the drive.  The OS is Win 8.1 with Classic Shell and a few other tweaks.


I tried dragging all the files from the SSD to the folder in the D drive.  It seemed to work fine.  But when I checked in "THIS PC," the D driver was still empty!  I was afraid to delete the files that were still in the C drive after they were copied to the other drive.  Someone said not to delete them.  But that would defeat the purpose of what I'm trying to do.  I'm trying to make space on the SSD.  

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Did you try cut and paste ? Try copy and paste first though. That way it still saves  a copy where it was originally.


I have 8.1 and works for me fine that way, drag and drop should still leave a copy in original place also.

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I'm just wondering why the D drive didn't show anything in it after I put those files in!  :(

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hope you don't mind if I chime in  :)


Can you post an expanded screenshot of Disk Manager which you can access by pressing the WIN and X keys together on your keyboard, alternatively from Windows 8.1 update you can right-click with the mouse or stylus on the Start button.


To capture and post a screenshot;


Click on the ALT key + PRT SCR key..its on the top row..right hand side..now click on start...all programs...accessories...paint....left click in the white area ...press CTRL + V...click on file...click on save...save it to your desktop...name it something related to the screen your capturing... BE SURE TO SAVE IT AS A .JPG ...otherwise it may be to big to upload... then after typing in any response you have... click on browse...desktop...find the screenshot..select it and click on the upload button...then on the lower left...after it says upload successful...click on add reply like you normally would.

Screenshot instructions are provided to assist those that may read this topic but are not yet aware of the “how to”.

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Chime away, mate!!.


I did ask if it was setup properly. Never used drag and drop to move files like documents, pictures, music and videos to a backup drive.


Usually when i want to put a shortcut on desktop. Most files will pop up the UAC control when you drag and drop. Although drag and drop can be faster in ways with copy and paste or cut and paste can do multiple files at once by holding the shift key, so i find it better.


The OP never mentioned they tried copy and paste and if it worked, just wanted to know why drag and drop was not working.

Edited by jds63, 06 September 2014 - 03:54 PM.

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