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BSOD after automatic updates this month

BSOD Win8 Atheros

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Hi, newbie and would appreciate some help.


I have a toshiba satellite r830 with atheros 9002wb wifi card with Win 8.1 pro and sandisk 256 ultra ssd.

For the past 2 days my laptop has been crashing with BSOD with message system handling exception error athwbx.sys file mentioned as the cause. First I refreshed the installation. Then reinstalled the entire OS from scratch. Similar error immediately after reinstalling. 

Then changed RAM from another laptop. Same result. Then swapped the SSD to a HDD and reinstalled the OS from scratch on the HDD with the same error cropping up within seconds.


Finally I put the SSD back in reinstalled the OS again and this time uninstalled the atheros driver and connected using ethernet. No problems until the system updated itself and reinstalled the atheros driver from the windows update. It promptly crashed again.


At the moment I have disabled windows update and atheros driver is uninstalled and the laptop works on ethernet. 

No antivirus on the system other than windows defender. Fresh install no programs installed. 


I am out of ideas other than swapping the atheros card. However I have read that Toshiba has disabled this in the bios. Any solution would be very welcome.

Many thanks

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Hi :welcome:


I am out of ideas other than swapping the atheros card. However I have read that Toshiba has disabled this in the bios. Any solution would be very welcome.

Many thanks


Based on all the tests you did its possible that the wireless card could be bad!


Did you try to install the driver provider by Toshiba instead of using the one provided by Windows Update?


Also did you check if the wireless card is firmly connected? They usually are but it doesn't hurt to check.

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Installed driver from Toshiba site. Crashed when rebooting and then came up with BSOD with driver value >1.

Did a clean of the motherboard checking connections and removing dust. No luck. 

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Can you upload the dump files for analysis.

Go to


Upload all those files by copying them to the desktop and compressing them in a single .zip folder.

Or even better, upload a Kernel memory dump.

Go the Start
Right click My Computer
Select Properties
Click Advanced system settings
Click on the Advanced tab
Select Settings under Startup and Recovery
Then under Write debugging information select Kernel memory dump.

Once a dump is created go to:


Copy the file to the desktop, zip it up and upload it to a file sharing site like Onedrive. After the upload is done post the download link in your next reply.
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