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Computer Consistently Crashes Minutes After Connecting To Internet!

internet connection crash computer fix

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Hi everyone,


A couple of days ago my PC crashed for no apparent reason producing a white screen with brown vertical lines, when I rebooted it would not reach the log-in screen. After refreshing windows it made it to the log-in screen but had minor red glicthes on certain screens (eg. Pre log-in, Metro section of windows 8). The computer would take longer to boot than usual and would work relatively fine if i didn't connect to the internet, but when i did connect, it would crash within 2 to 10 minutes. I ran Norton full system scan and it picked up nothing. (I managed to re-install Norton before it crashed again). I did a full restore of Windows as a last resort but it would still crash. The crash is more the screen flickers once and a few seconds later completely cuts out than the PC losing power. My PC is only 2 months old and has worked completely fine until now.


Thank You very much for reading and please help ASAP.

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