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Can't adjust screen brightness after 8.1 update (Resolved)

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I recently updated to Windows 8.1 and now my screen has gone dim and I cannot adjust the brightness.


I have seen elsewhere that this might be due to a missing driver but I have no idea how to figure that out or how to fix it.


Any help would be appreciated.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello kepayne228,


Can you tell us what you have already tried.

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I have gone into the control panel and tried to adjust the brightness and it does nothing.


I downloaded something called TweakBit Driver Updater and it says I have 17 drivers out of date. Then I realized I probably should not go any farther without some advice from this site.


Those are the only things I have done so far.


I have a Lenovo laptop and updated to Windows 8.1 from Windows 8 on Monday.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Apologies for the delay getting back to you.


Try pressing the Fn and the Home key down at the same time.


Good decision not going any further with the driver updates from TweakBit, there are some reputable sites such as DriverMax but in the main you will be asked to pay a fee for drivers that you do not need and that are readily available from the computer manufacturer which in this instance is Lenovo, download page here download to a USB thumb drive or burn to disk for safe keeping.


Did you not get a driver and utilities disk when you purchased the notebook.


As an asides, the Windows 8.1 update was also available direct from Lenovo, the information made available also included how installing the update could affect your computer, details here

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Thank you!! I went to the Lenovo site and downloaded the video driver for my laptop for Windows 8.


I can adjust the brightness now and the screen is no longer dim.


Now I know which site to consult for Lenovo related issues.


Thanks again!

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    Mechanised Mod

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You are most welcome, thank you for the follow up and glad we were able to help  :)

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