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Uninstalling when offline

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might be the wrong place, but might also be that somebody knows.


My wife's computer is infected with various viruses, malware and adware and today I tried to

uninstall (start - control panel - programs) the virus  'Tiny Wallet' as the first step of its removal.


Not sure it makes sense, but when turning on her computer, I turned the modem off first, so the computer

has no connection to the internet.

However, it was not possible to uninstall Tiny Wallet. Could that be to do with the computer being offline,

or is it part of the design of the virus?


Many thanks, gis



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    Trusted Helper

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You should start a new thread on the Malware Removal section of the forum to get specific help on Malware removing.

Before you post please read Malware and Spyware Cleaning Guide starting from Step 2.

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You should start a new thread on the Malware Removal section of the forum to get specific help on Malware removing.

Before you post please read Malware and Spyware Cleaning Guide starting from Step 2.

Okay, thanks. Wanted to do as much by myself as possible first, because I learn more that way,  but it does not matter much.


Now turned on my wife's computer, but could not start Mozilla. When I double clicked on the icon or even right clicked and then clicked on 'open' nothing much happened.

I could see this little circle turning for a couple of seconds, but that was it!


Is that part of the virus or is the computer kind of broken?

Also, should I start posting elsewhere and if so where?


Many thanks, gis

P.S. Am German, thus my English is not always so good.

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    Trusted Helper

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You should start a new thread on the Malware Removal section of the forum to get specific help on Malware removing.

Before you post please read Malware and Spyware Cleaning Guide starting from Step 2.

Okay, thanks. Wanted to do as much by myself as possible first, because I learn more that way,  but it does not matter much.


Here the only place where malware problems can be discussed is on the malware sections. I'm sure if you follow the directions to clean the machine you will learn allot and in the end you can apply to GeekU if you wish to learn more :)

Now turned on my wife's computer, but could not start Mozilla. When I double clicked on the icon or even right clicked and then clicked on 'open' nothing much happened.
I could see this little circle turning for a couple of seconds, but that was it!
Is that part of the virus or is the computer kind of broken?

It could be many things that's why you should post on the Malware section it's not only malware removal but also a computer checkup, you will be directed for the appropriate section if malware isn't involved.

Also, should I start posting elsewhere and if so where?


Yes on the section I linked above.


Many thanks, gis
P.S. Am German, thus my English is not always so good.


You are welcome.

Your English is fine, mine isn't so good also :)

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