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HOT threads

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2 of my threads are very old and and solved marked as HOT. I am not sure why. Can the word HOT be removed from the threads so that  they will disappear from the forum as currently needing help?





1 is solved and locked also still shows up on the OS forum thread. So I am just curious. Why does it still show up?


And the thread that I am waiting on is not getting any more responses. It's been a week. It is the only issue I have now.


I appreciate all the help and thank you.

Edited by itsmesunny, 12 December 2014 - 07:28 AM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello itsmesunny,


As your OP is not requesting help with the XP OS it is not best suited to that forum so has been moved to the Off Topic forum where I have hopefully answered your questions and adequately;


The word "hot" is helpful to other people reading the forums when possibly looking for help themselves with the same or a similar issue + the word will only appear on topics that have had many replies and views by members and guests, it does not imply that help is still required, only members concluding their tech related threads when assistance is no longer required will enable any tech topic to be marked as either resolved or solved, these two words being added to topic title also help people when using Google to search for help.


Unless a thread/post is a duplicate or breaches the GTG Terms of Use they/it will always be visible, they simply move down the board as new threads are added and will at some point no longer be on the first page of a particular forum, keep in mind that previous to and since support for XP ended on April 8th 2014 many people have upgraded to other OSs meaning that the GTG XP forum is not as busy as it once was and newer threads will remain present on the first page of the XP forum for longer.


Also regarding topics being marked as either resolved or solved, this is not always possible as is the case with necroposting, you recently post inside another members thread here and in reply #40 asked "Please someone mark this as Resolved." the thread cannot be marked as resolved as the OP never concluded their thread and so it may not be resolved.


Lastly, if you have waited for three days and not received any reply to your topic please post in the Waiting Room be sure to identify the issue as hardware, malware or software related and provide a link to your particular topic.

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Thank you for the thoughtful reply Phil.


I was not aware of the "Waiting Room."

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    Mechanised Mod

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You are most welcome itsmesunny  :thumbsup: 

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