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How to prove someone faking your email?

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I have a dispute with a web developer/designer who did a poor job of site for me (small online boutique women fashion). It took him over three months to do and I have been patient because he was introduced by my best friend. Cut to the story he didn't do it in time and it was just bad. I mean by the time he was done, the picture of clothes were on sale....and the design was not what I have asked for. I'm not going to lie it looked like an escort site at first, he zoomed in the legs and chest pictures of my models and put neon lights as background. Never asked him to do that...

We both had to provide evidence to fair trade of our side of the story. So we both submitted in emails of our communication.

What I have found was the "evidence" that he had submitted, he had changed the content of the first email sent to me. The original email had the asking price of $1300 but he had changed it to $1500.

Then there's a couple of emails made up that was supposedly sent by me that I have approved of certain things. These emails was not sent by me and does not exist in my sent box.

How can I prove he faked those emails? I've screenshot and printed everything but I feel like it's not enough because he can just claim I faked it. I'm with hotmail.com. My lawyer friend said that not to stress as those things will not be admissible in court because its tainted evidence but I want to prove to my best Friend who's on his side what a lying scumbag he really are. He have been intimidating me just because I am young and inexperience as this is my first business. I honestly can't wait for the truth to be out and finally say those sweet words "I've told you so".

Any advice is much appreciated.

Edited by lili4dress, 04 January 2015 - 05:54 AM.

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:welcome:   lili4dress


I am no expert in this field but if he does have a message file that shows headers of your hotmail account receiving such a message he either produced it himself or he has hacked your account (or had someone else do it) both are criminal offences and should be reported to your ISP who have trained staff that investigate such security breaches, unfortunately though it would take a court order to obtain his computer etc and to check the mail server for any smtp log files.

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