I already posted this thread over here, but I think this section is even better... sorry for the double post ... http://www.geekstogo...lware-programs/
I am redirected from Hackforums to this forum, because they were not able to help me out. I will try to give you guys an update as good as possible
Started with:
Does anyone have some advice to delete / clean a virus which blocks all virus scanners and malwarebytes?
- Chamelon (version of Malwarebytes) does not work
- Malwarebytes does not work
- AVG 2013 does not work
Used an online scanner which used a loop to scan files which were not up to date / deleted.
Edit: scan online found "Win32/agent.rqd.gen trojan"
Windows security center:
Edit: Once I want to start, It says "couldn't start".
Maybe a good detail: I did turn off the windows virus scanner earlier on because I do prefer AVG & Malwarebytes.
Edit2: Could it be because Im in safe modus?
I did run: Farbar Recovery Scan Tool
First it crashed, second as well. The program did make some files I just found out.
On these files I did get this advice:
1. Upload C:\Users\FRANK&~1\AppData\Local\Temp\mfe_rr.sys to http://virustotal.com and post the link here2. Upload C:\Users\frank&jose\ghost.exe to http://virustotal.com and post the link here3. Upload C:\Users\frank&jose\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\WIKEWBEL\SwSaniNet_11 (1).exe to http://virustotal.com and post the link here4. Remove the following service: COMSysApp; %SystemRoot%\system32\dllhost.exe /Processid:{02D4B3F1-FD88-11D1-960D-00805FC79235}5. Disconnect from the internet, rename roguekiller.exe to something random (like 1328476safgwq.exe) and run it as administrator.
all maps are visible, also the hidden and the system maps.