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how does one unsubscribe from this forum?
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What do you mean by unsuscribe? I don't think that accounts here gets closed on request, I don't see a lot of forums doing that. And if you're leaving because of your last thread, you can take a look at my reply in it there:

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think they just don't want any more notifications sent to their email address from g2g, i'll let someone else explain how to do that tho, if the op hasn't already figured it out by now.



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Oh then it's different. To disable notifications on GeeksToGo, click on your username in the top-right corner of the screen then select My Settings. From there, click on Notification Options in the left pane and uncheck Send me news and information, as well as unchecking every single checkbox under Email. That should do it.
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    Miss Congeniality

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Hi mowpar,

If you are receiving an abundant amount of email notifications to a specific topic that you wish to no longer receive, navigate to that topic and in the upper right hand corner you will see the Unfollow this topic button. Just click on that button and follow the instructions.

If this not what you meant, please explain yourself and we would be more than happy to guide you further.

Thank you,
Donna :)
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I believe it has nothing to do with notifications, but thank you for trying to help, Aura and Donna. If mowpar would like to post on one forum at a time and wait for help, then he might get the help he's waiting for. Posting on multiple sites is a waste of time for the helpers involved. 

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    Miss Congeniality

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Well, I'll be! I am sorry mowpar. Your post above was a tad bit vague. I should have checked to see if you had an on going thread here.

Thank you, Sari for bringing this to my attention. :)
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