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cryptolocker help!

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Hay guys!

Can somebody pleas help me.

I have been infected by a cryptolocker virus and it requested money for a generating a key. the time passed my fiend thougt he could take care of it but he just runed avast on reboot and cleend computer. 


Files ofcors stayed infected and i can not open my word files or video. 


I have mad a copy of the list that providet on warning of cryptolocker and made an screen shot.


I have then tried https://www.decryptcryptolocker.com/ but it seid that the files are not infected by a cryptolocker. I have read on some forum that cryptolocker is down ant that infct is an copy of that wirus.


I have toget my files back. Thay are not worth nothing, but fore me it would be a very sad situation if i loose it forever.


help guys!!!!!!!!!!

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    GeekU Guardian Bot

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I am sorry to inform you that I have bad news for you. The files are lost if you do not have back-up of those files.
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