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Help with Windows Defender

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I began to run Window's Defender and it said it was cleaning malware and told me to restart my comp to clean it. Before I could do it , Window's Defender dissapeared and when I tried to open it I was told that this app was turned off due to group policy and I am unable to figure out how to turn it on.


I would like to remedy this situation in the very least cleaning my system of the malware that is lagging my comp.


Please Help :(

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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:     Twatson31,


As there is possible malware infection it is most important that it be checked out and if present be removed before any steps are suggested here, you may need the help of the security experts on those forums but can I first of all ask you to follow the GTG malware redirection information below, good luck and we will be here should you need to return to this thread.


I suspect that you have some malware on your computer causing issues that we are not able to solve through means we can use here in the Tech Forums. I suggest you read the 'Start Here' topic found here. With these self-help tools you have a high chance of fixing the problems on your own. If you are still having problems after following Step 3 of the guide, continue with Step 4 and 5 and post in the Malware Forum. If you are unable to run any programs, Please create a topic stating what you have tried so far and that you are unable to run any programs. Also, Please do NOT post the logs in this thread.

If you are still having issues after the malware expert gives you a clean bill of health, Please return to THIS thread and we will pursue other options to help you solve your current problem(s).



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Thank you for the welcome. I am sorry I posted in the wrong forum. I am lost and still lost.

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    Mechanised Mod

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You are most welcome and no need for any apology  :no:


Follow the self help guide if you can but if not let me know and I will ask for a member of the malware staff to advise you.



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Thank you for your kindness. I think I am being partially blinded because I was in the middle of preparing for a job interview tomorrow when I was attacked for Malware and now I have to deal with it instead of preparing.  I posted in malware and did OTL and pasted it so I think thats what they need. Atleast I hope.  Thanks again.  It is nice to have nice helping people

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    Mechanised Mod

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You are most welcome and best of luck with both  :thumbsup:


I will butt out now wink.png.pagespeed.ce.0awNpHtDlKp_AY-QR-

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