Listen, i downloaded Borland C++ Builder Compiler. The download was just fine, its the installing that bugs me. I have to configure certain files and create others to use the compiler. For example...searching the internet for more detailed instructions on how to install and configure the files i found this:
Navigating to the directory, "c:\Borland\bcc55\bin" {im assuming its the cmd prompt}
8. cd borland [Enter]
9. cd bcc55 [Enter]
10. cd bin [Enter]
Creating the configuration files.
Note: The command line should read: C:\BORLAND\BCC55\BIN
Part 1: Creating BCC32.CFG.
9. Type "edit bcc32.cfg" [Enter] (This creates the file and opens a blank window in the editor).
10. Add these lines:
11. Save the changes (Alt-F then hit S).
12. Exit edit. (Alt+F then press X).
Part 2: Creating ILINK32.CFG
13. Type "edit ilink32.cfg" (This creates the file and opens a blank window in the editor).
14. Add these lines:
15. Save the changes (Alt-F then hit S).
16. Exit edit. (Alt+F then press X).
17. Type "exit" [Enter]
18. Restart Windows.
I started to do Part 1 by typing in: "edit bcc32.cfg" and then hitting enter but it says: Impossible to run the specified program. O the guide it says that im "creating" the file. Please...i downloaded this compiler to get a taste of C++ but im going crazy!
Before those steps it even told me to add a line to the Enviroment Variables on:
Add a path reference to the Environment variables:
3. Using the mouse, right-click on the "My Computer" icon (on your desktop) and choose "Properties".
4. Click on the "Advanced" tab.
5. Click on the "Environment Variables..." button.
6. Highlight the "Path" System variable (bottom).
7. Click on the "Edit..." button.
5. Append the line with ";C:\BORLAND\BCC55\BIN;"
6. Click OK (in the "Edit System Variables")
7. Click OK (in the "Environment Variables" window) and click OK (in the "System Properties" window)
I did that (even though it was meant for windows 2000).
If nobody can help me...could you at least suggest any easy to use c++ compiler and viewer for first-timers...????
Thanks again, for responses and for this site in general!
- Maverick