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Doorbell to Iphone/Pc

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I apparently have a hearing problem. Because every time I sit in my room (2nd floor) and the mail carrier rings the bell I can´t hear it. This leads to the annoying fact that I first get my supplies 3 days  after I ordered them. 

My question is if it would be possible to somehow connect my doorbell with my router, some kind of device that sends a signal when it is pushed in to my router and my router sends it to my phone or pc. Or the device sends it directly to my pc. 

I know this is probably a stupid question and it's not that important. I'm just interested if it would somehow be possible.

Kind regards.

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your talking about a "smart" doorbell, and yes they are available and there are no stupid questions when you learn something from the answer. ;)

here's some more info :- http://www.makeuseof...should-you-buy/




build your own. :- https://www.google.c... smart doorbell

Edited by terry1966, 18 March 2015 - 08:24 AM.

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