I have been questionable information with respect malfunctions by a vendor, here is his claim that I highly doubt:
He claims that I need a Microsoft Certified Technician, presumable one of his, to remove/correct the following and the problems will not be corrected even if I install a new hard drive.
1. remove trojan and attackers
2. remove foreign address
3. remove errors and warnings
4. restarta ll the driverw hichsi stopped running
5. reintall all the driverw hichs i lost
6. reset browser
7. block pop up
8. remove junk
9. remove temp fiel
10. fix regestry value
11. clean up
12. optimisation
13. fix network
I think he is full of hogwash, please varify.
He even claims csrss.exe if a Trojan, but I believe if it is in the System32 group of items it is part and partial a vital part of the WindowsNT system within Windows Series 7 Ultimate.