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Computer run slowly, 100% use. No malware

Best Answer phillpower2 , 17 May 2015 - 01:35 PM

You have 4GB of Ram and for best performance should have a pagefile size of 6GB (1.5 Xs the amount of actual physical Ram) yours is presently 4.88 GB the steps here are the same for changing the si... Go to the full post »

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Hello, every once in awhile my computer runs slowly, and Task Manager says CPU at 100% use even though I'm not doing much except watching my Slingbox.  I initially thought it was malware/viruses, but posted logs to the malware/virus forum and was told they are clean.  Was told to come here.


Also, every once in awhile, the browser stops connecting to the internet, even though other applications that use it (Slingbox) is still connected.  I have to restart at that point to get the browsers to work again.


This is the link to my other post/ logs.



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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello ndskykng,


Are you aware that Windows 8 and 8.1 both have an updated version of Windows Defender that offers the same real time protection as Microsoft Security Essentials, you do not need third party AV protection and by not installing any you are reducing the possibility of potential conflicts and freeing up resources on your computer, information courtesy of admin here


As an initial test try uninstalling Norton and using Windows Defender Run the Norton removal tool which can be found here if it is a paid for product make a note of the licence key first in case you wish to reinstall it again in the future.

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Do I have to activate Windows Defender before uninstalling Norton?  So that I dont have a period of time where I'm unprotected?  Or uninstall first, then activate Defender?


How do I activate Defender in the first place?  Also how to I uninstall Windows Security Essentials?  It seems that thread that was referred to seems to want to use Defender instead of WSE

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    Mechanised Mod

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Once Norton has been correctly uninstalled Windows Defender should auto enable, how to confirm that Defender is running can be checked by following the guide here


It seems that thread that was referred to seems to want to use Defender instead of WSE



Sorry but you have misunderstood the information post at the link, Windows Defender and MSE are basically the same thing where Windows 8 and 8.1 are concerned and that is why you should not try and install MSE when running Windows 8 or 8.1, MSE is fine for previous OS such as W7 and Vista.

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Okay, I think I got Defender to work.  Task manager seems healthier now, CPU use at 6-13% instead of 100%.   The memory use though is consistenly 65-75% use though, it looks like the biggest culprits is Google Chrome, which seems to have multiple lines on the Task Manager and Memory use of 147 MB, 139 MB, 112 MB, and 98 MB the largest four lines of them.  Is this a normal usage of Chrome?

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    Mechanised Mod

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Not sure what is going on with Chrome atm, if you can do the following it may give us some pointers, it will also tell us if Defender is running.


Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here,  this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s. 

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Defender is running ok, Norton is gone and things have improved somewhat so a step in the right direction at least.


Can you try temporarily disabling all plug ins in Chrome for us, how to here let us know if it helps any.



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Didnt make too much dent.  Still using 60% memory after reboot.  There are only two Chrome processes though that are using 100+ MBs though instead of four, so there's that.

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    Mechanised Mod

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✓  Best Answer

You have 4GB of Ram and for best performance should have a pagefile size of 6GB (1.5 Xs the amount of actual physical Ram) yours is presently 4.88 GB the steps here are the same for changing the size in Windows 8 and 8.1 albeit if you are using a Windows 7 start orb, try changing the pagefile to 6GB please.


Other than the above I can only think of uninstalling Chrome for testing purposes and disabling IE after reinstalling a fresh version of Chrome.

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When I get to Virtual Memory advanced tab, do I change the C: drive Initial Size or Maximum Size to 6 MB?  And what exactly does that do to the computer?


Would you suggest doing the Chrome install or see what happens with the Virtual Memory?

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    Mechanised Mod

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Change the size to a maximum of 6GB, this will help with data transfer rates and improve the efficiency of the memory.


Change the pagefile size and test, if no better uninstall Chrome and see how IE 11 behaves, this to see if the problem is directly linked to Chrome.

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What should the initial page size be?

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:oops:  forgot that 4000MB initial and 6000MB maximum to keep it simple.

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Seems to work better thanks.  But I'm still unsure what changing those numbers do to the machine, and if it makes it run this smooth, why wasn't it just set to those numbers in the first place?

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