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my HP laptop won't factory reset

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My HP laptop won't factory reset I've tried multiple method's to factory reset it but none worked. The problem is when it resets to start the factory reset it goes to the HP logo then it says "preparing" but after that it just stays on a black screen
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Dashing star

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Do the following actions to reinstall the operating system from the set of recovery discs: 

1. Connect the computer to the AC power adapter. 
2. Open the disc drive, insert the first disc in the set of recovery discs, and close the disc drive. 
3. Turn off the computer. 
4. Press the Power button to start the computer and immediately press the F11 key. 
The computer begins operation from the disc and performs tests on the hard drive. After a short delay, a black screen with a message is displayed. If the C:\ drive and the special recovery partition are intact, three options are available:

  • Press 'R' for standard System Recovery options.
  • Press 'F' to format the hard drive and reinstall the original factory settings. All data will be lost!

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I suspect you are trying to reset it from the recovery partition?

If so, the F11 key at start up will get you to where you need to be.

If thats not working then your recovery partition could be corrupted.

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Upgrade from 8.0 to 8.1 also seems to cause recovery problems.

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