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uploaded web based software not working on any computer

software not working javascript code web based software ftp upload not working domain folder

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I uploaded via ftp a software created in javascript into a folder under a domain that is used for another unrelated web based software with many bugs and problems. The new software created using javascript code I uploaded is not working on my website. Could the other damaged software contained in the same domain folder be causing problems? could it be the ftp program causing problems? Could it be the website platform I'm using? or all of the above? The domain is running the other damaged software. By the way everything is uploaded properly via ftp in the right folders.


By the way it wouldn't work on any computer. I asked several friends to pull up my website.


Thank you.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: software not working, javascript code, web based software, ftp upload, not working, domain folder

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