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Death & Taxes (but not taxes)

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So I have an odd request of folks out there: I am putting together a collection of stories. I currently have 8 and need a few more.


The stories are culled together from a wide variety of people, who all told me these stories personally. The purpose of collecting these stories is to get people talking about a subject of which most are uncomfortable talking -- death.


And why did some people tell me these stories of death?


Because I'm looking for stories that are either funny, bizarre, or just plain weird -- but are about death. And not everyone can understand how death can be funny....b/c usually...it isn't.


Names, dates, locations, and so forth will be changed, but what I am looking for are PERSONAL accounts (so, not a story you heard, a thing you yourself experienced) about the death of someone in your life. And, while this may sound quite macabre, somewhere in that experience you yourself found something funny or bizarre.


For instance, one woman told of an uncle who saved his first car his whole life. Even hid it from the IRS when he owed thousands. He and the car were synonymous. The way he died: He shut the door on his jacket, and the car rolled down a hill...dragging him to his death. In a eulogy, a family friend began talking about how the "he and the car loved one another." Suddenly, in the middle of this sad day, they all began giggling uncontrollably -- the tragic irony became tragically comedic.
One guy told me this incredibly funny story about his wild & crazy dog...who ends up dying in a not-at-all-funny way. But the dog? The dog was funny.
Another told me the story of her mother who was always late. And, after she died, b/c she had very specific demands about where to be buried, the transfer of her body was problematic and, yes, she ended up late to her own funeral.
I am posting on this site, b/c while I've only posted about computer help, I've trolled the boards and find most people here friendly, open, and generally kind. I hope you'll see this is not exploitive. Some have found sharing their story cathartic. And again, all info will be altered in the final.
If you'd like to tell me a story, please e-mail me: Deathproject1 at gmail
Thank you!

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Natalie Green

Natalie Green


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that's good to share something new but why about death why it can't be about life, romance or adventure.

Post something like this.Even I have some horror death stories which are real.

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that's good to share something new but why about death why it can't be about life, romance or adventure.

Post something like this.Even I have some horror death stories which are real.


Hi. Sorry for the delay in replying.


Thanks for the reply...but you're missing the point -- it is about life. But in a way in which we discuss the inevitable aspect of life. Death. Your response is exactly the point. Death doesn't have to be this thing we are scared of and shy away from.


"Horror death stories" in NO way describes what I stated I was looking for. It's not even close. But, the very fact that that's where your mind went proves that this is a subject that needs to be discussed, so that negative stigma can be removed.

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