I'm still waiting notification to upgrade. my question is, should I wait fo be notify, or should I go ahead and upgrade manually? I've read that people are having problems when they've done it manually.......
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I'm still waiting notification to upgrade. my question is, should I wait fo be notify, or should I go ahead and upgrade manually? I've read that people are having problems when they've done it manually.......
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Why not wait for the dust to settle, let others sort out the gremlins before jumping in
i am going to wait for a few months so all the dust can be cleared before i look to upgrade. New software is always going to be buggy. no point in jumping in with two feet at the moment
i was thinking the same but isn't W10 available free for a limited time?
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Yes, free upgrade (if thats the right word) for 12 months. Plenty of time yet.
I would recommend waiting a couple of months before even thinking about it, some are reporting no problems with the upgrade regardless of which way was used, others like myself are having all sorts of problems. I am stuck with a blank black screen and the system going nowhere after at least two hours. This is now the second attempt to get Windows 10 on my Acer Aspire 5935G.
A good job I have a current and up to date image of the previous Windows 7 operating system. If no change with my system after another hour, then the image gets loaded back on and it stays like that.
thanks for the info. I'll wait to d//load W10.............
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