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update/install issue newest itunes with Vista

itunes sync iphone 6s error message

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  • PipPipPip
  • 136 posts

Good Morning tech nation. 


I have a reoccuring issue with itunes.  I recently bought the Iphone 6s so I had to update my itunes in order to sync them together.  Upon trying to update, I received an error message.  After receiving this error message I was no longer able to load itunes at all from my desktop so i unistalled it figuring I would download from scratch.  My system will not allow me to complete the download process either, I get another error message.


I remember a while back having the same issue.  I had to update itunes and needed assistance on this site to get that to work as well.


Hoping someone can help me fix this issue.


Thank you,



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  • PipPipPip
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After doing much research online I belive the cause of not being able to install itunes is due to the fact I can't remove all prior files on my computer pertaining to apple.  There is 1 file in particular that I can't remove from my system.  The file is Apple Mobile Device Support. It begins the process to remove and the action bar scrolls from left to right, stops, then goes backwards as if it resinstalled.


Any help getting this removed would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you,



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