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Oracle SQL code assistance


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Hi, I was hoping you all could help me with this.  I'm trying to list every country (and all the columns available in that table) that has a population higher than the average population and also speaks spanish ('es').  I have this code that I've tried different variations of, but it won't seem to work.  Any help?


select *
from countries
where language = 'es'
group by population
having population > avg(population);

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    Malware Expert

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Hmmm, long time since I last did any Oracle hacking.


Try this:


WITH popn AS
(SELECT language, population, AVG(population) over (partition by language) avpop
 FROM countries
 WHERE language = 'es'
FROM popn
WHERE population > avpop
I think this might also work (and do the same thing):
FROM (SELECT language, population, AVG(population) over (partition by language) avpop
 FROM countries
 WHERE language = 'es')
WHERE population > avpop
I'm assuming that what you're trying to do is list those Spanish-speaking countries where the population is greater than the average?
Unfortunately, I don't have access to Oracle / SQL*Plus so can't verify the above, but I think it's right .... try it and post back!

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