Does anyone know how to combine the alarm alert sounds of a typical car alarm, that is triggered by breaking a 'beam' of some sort?
This is simple James Bond stuff, I thought the internet would have hundreds of these, available to install and plug-in and that's it.
What I am looking for is a narrow horizontal beam with a larger vertical detection area. The perfect thing would project from inside a lattice type enclosure and spread out vertically to about 6-8 feet, at a distance of 25 feet.
If this 'beam' is interrupted for less than a second, it will alert the same as a car alarm (5 second to 15 second burst)
If the 'beam' is interrupted for more than a second it will alert same as a car alarm and will continue to alert for 5 minutes, give or take.
Alarm alert sounds can be switched off with remote (just like your car alarm)
System needs to powered by regular home outlet.
I expect this is Jr. High electronics type stuff and shouldn't cost more than$100.