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BSOD on Windows 10 (Resolved)

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Best Answer phillpower2 , 30 November 2015 - 08:42 AM

That is ample testing and no further crashes running only the single stick of good Ram would suggest that you have found the culprit. Can I just ask if the both sticks of Ram have been tried/t... Go to the full post »

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    GeekU Sophomore

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Good day everyone,


On my fiance's computer that I built for her a couple years ago, we are suddenly getting a BSOD at random times.  It has happened while surfing the internet, playing games, and even while the computer is just sitting idle.  I recently did a fresh install of Win 7 and then upgraded to Win 10.  She was getting a BSOD before this reinstall, but not nearly as often.  Now it i seems to be happening daily.  Unfortunately I've never learned to read crash dump files and would really love some help not only with this BSOD problem but also on how to go about reading them myself.  

Thank you in advance for your help.



Edited by dhitchner, 23 October 2015 - 05:59 PM.

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    GeekU Sophomore

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Her computer has crashed a few more times since my first post.


Any ideas?

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    Mechanised Mod

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Sorry that you have waited so long before receiving a reply  :( if this happens again please post in the Waiting Room rather than double post as it will appear to those reading the boards that you are already being helped.


The dumps in your OP are too old to be of any use now so please upload only the latest Windows 10 dumps for us to check.


Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here,  this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s. 

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    GeekU Sophomore

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    GeekU Sophomore

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Is there anything else you need?


Thank you for your help,


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    Mechanised Mod

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Three different processes identified in the last three dumps, Chrome exe, Firestorm-bin and a generic System error which unfortunately could mean anything, two of the dumps suggest memory issues be it a hardware problem with the Ram itself or a driver issue causing problems with the Ram.


Firestorm-bin do you use this at all, it has a Firewall that could be conflicting with Windows own so even if only temporary I would uninstall it.


Before checking the Ram I would suggest that you try running the computer in Safe Mode to see if it crashes, see here courtesy of Brink, if it does post back and let us know, if it does not crash, try restarting in Safe Mode with Networking and let us know how that goes, I am suggesting this be done first as the next two checks, running Memtest86+ and then Driver Verifier can take many hours.



If you have something to add while you are waiting for a reply can you use the edit tab please, this will ensure that nothing is overlooked which can happen if your thread has more than one page, thank you 

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    Mechanised Mod

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Not heard back from you dhitchner, do you still require assistance or is the issue now resolved, an update would be appreciated.

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    GeekU Sophomore

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Hey Phillpower2,

Thank you for checking in on me.  I haven't had a chance to get onto my fiance's computer yet, but I will surely let you know as soon as I do (most likely it'll be tomorrow).


As far as Firestorm, I know that is the viewer that she uses for Second Life.

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    Mechanised Mod

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No worries and thanks for the update  :thumbsup:


Can I just check that once the OS had been re-installed that all of the correct system drivers were also re-installed.


The particular crash dump that points towards Firestorm is below;


Debug session time: Sat Nov 14 20:14:53.102 2015 (UTC - 5:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 8:43:04.769
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *

This is a very common bugcheck. Usually the exception address pinpoints
the driver/function that caused the problem. Always note this address
as well as the link date of the driver/image that contains this address.
Arg1: ffffffffc0000005, The exception code that was not handled
Arg2: fffff8012ef5fc47, The address that the exception occurred at
Arg3: 0000000000000000, Parameter 0 of the exception
Arg4: ffffffffffffffff, Parameter 1 of the exception

Debugging Details:

TRIAGER: Could not open triage file : e:\dump_analysis\program\triage\modclass.ini, error 2

EXCEPTION_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at "0x%08lx" referenced memory at "0x%08lx". The memory could not be "%s".

fffff801`2ef5fc47 498b08 mov rcx,qword ptr [r8]

EXCEPTION_PARAMETER1: 0000000000000000

EXCEPTION_PARAMETER2: ffffffffffffffff

READ_ADDRESS: unable to get nt!MmSpecialPoolStart
unable to get nt!MmSpecialPoolEnd
unable to get nt!MmPagedPoolEnd
unable to get nt!MmNonPagedPoolStart
unable to get nt!MmSizeOfNonPagedPoolInBytes

ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at "0x%08lx" referenced memory at "0x%08lx". The memory could not be "%s".

BUGCHECK_STR: 0x1e_c0000005


PROCESS_NAME: Firestorm-bin.


LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from fffff8012ef94012 to fffff8012ef5a4d0

CONTEXT: e0750ac70f49f0cb -- (.cxr 0xe0750ac70f49f0cb)
Unable to read context, Win32 error 0n30

ffffd000`23ed8ad8 fffff801`2ef94012 : 00000000`0000001e ffffffff`c0000005 fffff801`2ef5fc47 00000000`00000000 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
ffffd000`23ed8ae0 fffff801`2ef64f82 : 00000000`00000000 fffff800`00000001 ffffe000`9b202280 ffffd000`00000000 : nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+0x2af12
ffffd000`23ed91c0 fffff801`2ef6347e : ffffe000`9ff68ef8 ffffe000`9ffa19b0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000063 : nt!KiExceptionDispatch+0xc2
ffffd000`23ed93a0 fffff801`2ef5fc47 : 00000000`0000006d fffff801`2ee29b4e 00000000`80000000 ffffe000`a0845578 : nt!KiGeneralProtectionFault+0xfe
ffffd000`23ed9530 fffff801`2ee29b4e : 00000000`80000000 ffffe000`a0845578 0000003c`d710e000 fffff580`10804000 : nt!ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListFault
ffffd000`23ed9540 fffff801`2ee29a2a : fffff801`2f151ac0 fffff801`0000006d 0000003c`d710e000 00000000`00000040 : nt!MiGetFreeOrZeroPage+0x4e
ffffd000`23ed95c0 fffff801`2eee6e1b : fffff801`2f151ac0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000001 : nt!MiGetPage+0x7a
ffffd000`23ed9630 fffff801`2ee28d44 : fffff801`2f151ac0 0000000f`ffffffff 0000003c`00000001 00000000`0000007f : nt!MiGetZeroedPages+0x11b
ffffd000`23ed96a0 fffff801`2ee30ea5 : 00000000`00000002 0000003c`d710f000 ffffd000`23ed9b00 ffffc001`d4ec0678 : nt!MiResolveDemandZeroFault+0xc54
ffffd000`23ed97c0 fffff801`2ee2e153 : ffffd000`23ed9a50 0000003c`d710f000 fffff680`1e6b8878 ffffe000`a0845578 : nt!MiResolveProtoPteFault+0x6e5
ffffd000`23ed9860 fffff801`2ee2b8d6 : 00000000`00000000 0000003c`d710f000 ffffd000`23ed9a80 ffffe000`00000000 : nt!MiDispatchFault+0x3b3
ffffd000`23ed99b0 fffff801`2ef635bd : ffffe000`a1b9a840 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000020 ffffc001`d35f8000 : nt!MmAccessFault+0x336
ffffd000`23ed9b00 0000003c`f769ff09 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiPageFault+0x13d
0000003c`f28fe098 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x3c`f769ff09

nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+2af12
fffff801`2ef94012 cc int 3


SYMBOL_NAME: nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+2af12



IMAGE_NAME: ntkrnlmp.exe


STACK_COMMAND: .cxr 0xe0750ac70f49f0cb ; kb

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: X64_0x1e_c0000005_nt!_??_::FNODOBFM::_string_+2af12

BUCKET_ID: X64_0x1e_c0000005_nt!_??_::FNODOBFM::_string_+2af12

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    GeekU Sophomore

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Ok, I just logged into the computer in Safe Mode and now I'm logged into it in Safe Mode with Networking.  No problems with crashing so far.  However, historically the computer crashes intermittently and unpredictably.  Crashes were not associated with running any particular program, e.g. it even crashed a few times when it was running idle and while in sleep mode.


As far as I know, all of the drivers were correctly installed before updating the computer to Windows 10.  I did a fresh install on it with Win 7 and installed all drivers.  I then updated the PC to Windows 10.  

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    Mechanised Mod

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The computer working ok in Safe Mode points more towards a software issue.


How long did you use the computer in Safe Mode with Networking - did it crash at all.

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    GeekU Sophomore

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We had it i Safe Mode with Networking for a few hours. No, it didn't crash. Should we have run it longer in Safe Mode?

Also, I did run Memtest 86+ and it has come up with some errors. Would you like a screen shot of the Memtest (i think it still may be running now actually)?

Thank you
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    Mechanised Mod

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You ran the computer in Safe Mode for plenty of time for an initial test, you have said that the crashes are intermittent and by sheer fluke they may not ever happen in Safe Mode which would then suggest a driver or third party software issue.


Memtest 86+ is a great tool but for most accurate results I suggest that each stick of Ram is tested separately and  for a minimum of several passes which can often take all through the night to complete.


Let us know when Memtest has finished as we cant interfere while it is running.

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    GeekU Sophomore

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Here is the results while both sticks of RAM where in the machine.




I'll pull a module out and start running it again. 

Edited by dhitchner, 22 November 2015 - 11:16 AM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Ok will wait on the outcome when each stick has been tested.

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